Ludo Ninja Download APK Online & Win Real Money on Zupee

Ludo Ninja APK Download

Are you looking for ways to win real money on Ludo Ninja? This article highlights how to download Ludo Ninja APK and play various game formats. We also list the steps to play the Ludo Ninja apk and tips to win the game. But, before that watch this video below to learn how to download Ludo Ninja Apk on your smartphone:

Play Ludo Online Games & Win Cash!

What is Ludo Ninja APK?

Ludo Ninja is an online game developed by Zupee. It is based on the traditional Ludo game and has been made more engaging and entertaining with a modern interface. It can be downloaded through the Ludo Ninja APK file. APK is a file format for applications used on Android operating systems.

NOTE: Ludo Ninja is not available on the iOS platform. You can try Ludo Supreme, aka, Ludo Supreme Gold for iOS devices. Enjoy the thrill of Ludo Supreme Gold – Ludo Game.

Ludo Ninja apk game involves moving pieces around the board to earn maximum points within limited moves. It is a dice-less game where players can see the upcoming value on the dice and plan their moves strategically.  It also features instant cash withdrawals and quick gameplay.

Why Play Ludo Ninja APK?

Win Real Money with Ludo Ninja. Click “Download App” button!

Ludo Ninja vs. Ludo Game

The rules and gameplay for Ludo Ninja are slightly different from the classic Ludo game. Traditional Ludo Game is a physical or cardboard board game played for generations. It involves rolling dice, moving game pieces around the board, and getting all your pieces to the center (Home) before your opponents.

Learn how to play Ludo in 5 easy steps!

Ludo Ninja by Zupee, on the other hand, is an online version of the classic game that allows players to play against other players for real money. It is a 2-4 player, real cash game, where within a specific number of moves, players need to earn maximum points to win. Moreover, it is a dice-less game, where players know the upcoming dice value.

Here is the difference between Ludo Ninja and Classic Ludo game:

Ludo GameLudo Ninja APK Classic Ludo Game
Game Format Dice-lessDice
Extra moves No Extra move on Throwing a 6 Extra move on throwing a 6
Start the Game No Need to Get a 6 to start the gameRoll a 6 to activate your token
Dice Value Not visibleVisible
Win the Game Earn maximum points Take all four tokens home

How to play Ludo Ninja Apk?

Ludo Ninja by Zupee is a unique version of the classic Ludo game that allows you to win up to Rs.10 Lakhs in monthly winnings. The absence of dice in Ludo Ninja brings a new level of strategy as players can preview upcoming dice values and plan their moves accordingly. With limited moves available, players aim to earn the maximum points to emerge as winners.

How to play Ludo Ninja APK

Here are the 3 steps to play Ludo Ninja APK on your Android phones:

Step 1: Select the Game mode

Ludo Ninja offers various game modes such as 1v1, 1 winner, 2 winners, and 3 winners. “Free entry fees” and “paid entry fee” games exist.

Step 2: See the Value on the Dice

Ludo Ninja is a dice-less game, so you don’t need to roll the dice. You will be able to see all the upcoming values on the dice. When your turn comes, choose the token you want to move. Moreover, unlike traditional Ludo games, players do not need to get a six to start playing.

Step 3: Earn points & Win

One point is earned for each box moved by a token. For example, if a token moves 6 boxes, it gets 6 points. If you can take your token “Home,” you get 56 points. The player with the highest point accumulation after the game is declared the winner.

The number of moves allowed is restricted based on the number of players:

  • 2-player game: 24 moves
  • 4-player game: 18 moves

Learn how to play Ludo Ninja APK.

Ludo Ninja APK Download

Ludo Ninja APK can be downloaded by following these steps:

  1. Click the “Download App” button on the page. The Zupee APK file will be downloaded.
  2. Do not worry about the warning message; click “OK.”  The Zupee app is 100% safe.
  3. Once the download is completed, you can find the app in your notifications or in the “My files > Downloads folder”.
  4. Install the app and sign up for an account to start playing.
  5. Locate the “Ludo Ninja” game on the app.
  6. Start playing and winning money, and have the option to withdraw your winnings instantly.

Why Play Ludo Online on Ludo Ninja?

Zupee Ludo Ninja offers a unique and exciting gaming experience with instant withdrawal, real cash winnings, quick gameplay, and a user-friendly interface. Take a look at the benefits of playing Ludo online on Ludo Ninja:

  1. Instant Withdrawal: One of the key advantages is the instant withdrawal feature. Players can instantly transfer their cash winnings to their bank account without delays or hidden charges. It makes the game even more exciting as players can receive their winnings as soon as they finish playing.
  2. Availability of Real Cash:  Unlike other Ludo games, Ludo Ninja offers players the chance to win real money.
  3. Quick and Fast-Paced Gameplay: Ludo Ninja apk is quick and fast-paced, making the game even more enjoyable. Within 10mins, players have the chance to win real cash.
  4. Dice-less Format: Unlike traditional Ludo games, Ludo Ninja does not rely on dice rolls, so players can make strategic moves based on the upcoming dice values. It adds new excitement to the game and keeps players engaged.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Ludo Ninja’s user-friendly interface makes the game easy to play. The game can be downloaded on Android devices free of cost.

Ludo Ninja APK – FAQs

How do I download the Ludo Ninja APK by Zupee?

You can download the Ludo Ninja APK by visiting the Zupee website and clicking the “Download App” option. The app is 100% safe and secure. Here are the top 4 Ludo apks.

Can I win real money by playing Ludo Ninja?

Yes. Ludo Ninja offers the option to play for real money with the chance to win up to Rs. 10 lakhs.

How do I withdraw my winnings from Ludo Ninja?

You can withdraw your winnings instantly from the Ludo Ninja app. The quick and easy process allows you to access your winnings immediately. Read this article to know the Ludo withdrawal process.

How does the gameplay of Ludo Ninja differ from traditional Ludo games?

Ludo Ninja offers a new level of strategy as the game is dice-less, and players can preview the upcoming dice values. Additionally, there is no requirement to roll a six to start playing, and players earn points for each box moved to. The game also restricts the number of moves based on the number of players.

Is it safe to play Ludo Ninja for real cash?

Yes. Ludo Ninja is a 100% safe and secure app for playing online games for real cash prizes. Zupee uses advanced security measures to protect players’ personal and financial information.

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